
Gina lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with her husband Joe and their two weird, geriatric cats: Harley (a sexy blonde) and Graham (a sleek little panther). A (human) baby boy is also joining the crew very soon!

Gina works full-time as a 3rd-party health inspector, with a background in biochemistry and human nutrition. She wants to spend more time travelling, eating sushi, reading crime fiction, using wonderful stationary, and growing a family. For all of 2019, she’ll be on maternity leave with their new little guy (due late Jan/early Feb).

Joe is a small-business owner and coffee junkie. He would be happy spending as much time as possible on a beach, eating candy, eating pizza, pushing Gina’s buttons (aka poking the bear) and seeing the world. More than once, Joe has disappeared in the grocery store and Gina has wrestled him out of the bulk candy aisle! He is pretty excited to be a Dad soon, and is hopeful the little one can be taught their anti-clutter ways.

Together, they spend time budgeting, dreaming, and adventuring in their quirky little province, supporting small/local businesses, and watching documentaries related to global socio-economic issues and systemic cultural problems. Favourites include: The True Cost, The Human Scale, Where To Invade Next, Zeitgeist, The Drop Box and Highway of Tears. There are still so many on the list! Feel free to recommend your favourites.

Note: The photo above was taken by Gina in Iceland in May 2016.